Himalayan Cultural Heritage Foundation
The Himalayan Cultural Heritage Foundation was formed by Dr Sonam Wangchok with a group of local scholars and social workers interested in Himalayan cultural heritage to promote and preserve the Himalayan living history. We believe that at the end of the day, heritage facilitates everyone in the society to understand more about our culture and ourselves. Hence, realizing the importance of safeguarding the cultural heritage of Himalayas, we have registered the Foundation/NGO under the registration of Societies Act VI of 1998 (1941 A.D.), under 5851-S of 2010.
Himalayan Cultural Heritage Foundation appreciates donations, contributions and volunteers to support different activities initiated by HCHF. Our foundation relies on the generosity of philanthropic individuals like you in preserving cultural heritage in the Himalayas and educating people about the importance of preserving their own identity in the period of modernization. Your contribution enables HCHF to maintain its strong presence in the Himalayas and continue to implement programme that improve people’s inner peace by keeping balance between modernization and cultural preservation.
There are lots of ways for you to get involved-
- Become volunteer
- Make a donation
- Subscribe “Heritage Himalaya” News magazine
- Help us to develop resources
- Tell people about our works
- Organize your own activities at our centre
- The list goes on !
We thank you for showing interest to get involved in our endeavour to showcase the efforts to conserve Himalayan ancient legacy of cultural heritage and highlight their relationship to sustainability. Your support is what drives our enforcement and conservation efforts, strengthens our resolve, and makes possible the success we achieve. Volunteers are requested to contact us as early as possible and let us know your area of interest.
Patron : H.E. Choegon Rinpoche
President : Prof. Geshe Konchok Wangdu
Secretary : Dr Sonam Wangchok
Treasurer : Konchok Thinles
Founding Members : Dr. Thupstan Nurboo, Diskit Dolker, Dr Phuntsog Dorjey, Stanzin Dolma, Tsering Angchuk
Abdul Hakim – Ladakh India
A well known poet/writer and retired officer from J&K; tourism department
David Sonam – Ladakh India
A keen ornithologist and amateur photographer and associated with several prominent organizations in Ladakh
Successive Principal of CIBS – Leh Ladakh
Central Institute of Buddhist Studies, Leh founded by the previous Bakula Rinpoche in 1959. Today, it has become the leading Institute for not only Buddhist studies but also works extensively in the field of cultural promotion and preservation. It offers course on traditional Medical Sciences, Buddhist Paintings, Scripts, religious carvings on wood, and other sculptures.
Dr Amchi Losang Tsultrim – Netherland
He is the son of Dr.Jamyang Tashi Tsona- former personal physician to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. He founded Foundation for Traditional Tibetan Medicine in Netherland. Besides his practice in west, he also works in the Himalayas.
Prof. Lobsang Jamspal – USA
Prof. Geshe Lobsang Jamspal is a great scholar of Sanskrit and Tibetan Buddhist texts. He was a teacher at the Sanskrit University, Benares, during the late sixties and early seventies. He’s been in the USA since 1974. Since getting his PhD from Columbia University, he has been teaching there and translating.
Prof. Dr Ina Rosing – Germany
An anthropologist and former head of Anthoroplogy Department, Ulm University has done several researches in Ladakh, especially in the nomadic areas of Changthang.
Geshe Kelsang Damdul – India
Geshe-la has been the Assistant Director for the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics in Dharamsala since 1987.
Sanjay Dhar
An internationally well known painting conservator and consultant to several international and national organizations who has been working in Ladakh for last several years.